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5003 Prescott Ave Lincoln NE




+1 (402) 525-2704

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Frequently Asked Questions

We are a Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church.

Our physical location is in Nebraska, USA, but our online platform serves members worldwide.

Our primary language is Luganda, but we also have an English chapel for non-Luganda speakers.

We welcome anyone interested in exploring our faith. Please contact us through our website or social media for more information.

  • Wednesday: Bible study and prayer meeting at 8:00 PM CDT
  • Friday: Welcome the Sabbath service at 8:00 PM CDT
  • Saturday: Sabbath School and Worship Service from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM CDT
  • English Chapel: Saturday Sabbath School and Worship Service from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM CDT

Join us via Zoom at 5848645200 for Luganda and 4258989327 for English.

Yes, we have various online programs including Bible studies, youth groups, and prayer meetings.